Rochester, NY

Today is the 20th anniversary of my Grandma passing. I was 10 and I remember some of her. I remember losing my tooth at her house, watching TV with my sister, eating pretzels. Caytie and I sat in the living room and Grandma and Grandpa were playing cards on the porch with 2 of their friends. I don’t know where my parents were. G&G taught me how to play euchre when I was 6. We played poker and a game I can’t recall the name of right now where you had green board and had to get full houses, 4 of a kind, etc… I remember her trying to write with her left hand after her stroke. She was not left handed, I don’t think. I remember her smiling. I remember their house and the big sliding door that you had to latch for the bathroom. Well, you don’t know my grandma but I am thinking about her today. It’s a shame people have to go before we want them to. I wonder what it would be like to sit around at talk with them, now as an adult. Playing cards, having a Manhattan with my grandpa. Seeing my mom and uncle interact with them. I guess I’ll see all of that further on down the road.