Rochester, NY

11:30 PM

The days march by. I dabble in this and that. I send proposals and write here and there. Mostly there. Most of the time is spent searching for spots to go and people to meet on the next leg of the trip. There will be a next leg of the trip. When it happens is still to be determined.

The library has become my friend. Free movie rentals are what I get most. I also get a lot of books that sound cool. I start them and stop. It is rare they go back finished. I have Walden right now. I just got done watching American Splendor. A very different but cool movie about a guy that makes a comic book about his life. Harvey Pekar made his way. He is eccentric but normal at the same time. I enjoyed how they used the real guy to talk about the movie during the movie. Hard to explain but very good. I watched All the President’s Men last night with Redford and Hoffman as the two reporters who brought down Nixon and his boys during Watergate. This would be like the Super Bowl for journalists. I thought of my reporter friends as I watched it. Being 29, I knew about Watergate from school, but I didn’t really know it. This showed how screwed up politics and power can make people. But the role of the media and really society helps balance out the bad that is out there. I’ve been a movie man, as I watched James Dean on Tuesday night. Another thing I knew about but did not know about. What an interesting dude. There was a day in college when I stared at the screen for a few hours watching James Dean movies, but I didn’t get it. He was big time, but got killed in a car accident young. I am not sure, but for some reason I think there is mystery surrounding his death. I may be wrong and it was a car accident, but my gut says maybe not. I don’t know the story, other than the movie taught me more about him. I am not sure if I’m a commitment freak or what. Maybe a 2 hour commitment is easier for me to make than the many hours to read a book. Maybe my attention span has been ruined by the remote control and the internet. I don’t know. When I read a book I get a lot out of it because I have an imagination that is scary. But I don’t use it as much as I should.

So that’s what I’ve been doing. What a big change from a couple of months ago. My journal entries aren’t as often as they used to be. I don’t really feel right taking your time to talk about me eating dinner, sitting in the chair watching a movie, then flipping the channels, and then going to bed. That’s not much adventure is it? I’ll see what I can do.