Rochester, NY

8:48 PM

My mind is coming back to me after a long Saturday night at a Christmas party. Tis the season for food and drink. Caytie, Bryan and I lived that motto yesterday. We started off with some of Mom’s lasagna. That of course fills the belly and puts you out of it for a while. After some digesting we went to the party. It was at one of their friend’s house. I hadn’t been that social in the last few weeks. I’m not sure if it’s not having a finished book completed or a job or any of that, but I wasn’t into meeting new people and having to explain the, “So what do you do?” question. I was ready for it last night and seem to be ready to get back to being me.

We got to the party at around 8 and were scared and pleased to see a bar stocked with anything you wanted. The party was billed as a martini party. I did my part as Matt made me a stout one. I am not a big martini guy, but Grey Goose convinced me to give it a run. Those things will hurt you. My night was supposed to start at the party and then head out to meet some friends, but the stocked bar, tons of food, a pool table, and cool people kept me at the party until 2 or so. Rather than driving back to the lake, I stayed at Caytie and Bryan’s place. This meant a late night slice of pizza. I woke up today wishing the Goose hadn’t gotten me.

I watched a lot of football today, but it didn’t have the same meaning without my fantasy team having a shot at finishing in the money. My weekly picks league is now over which means college football is over. No more wasting Saturday’s in front of the TV. I guess that is a good thing. The football didn’t have as much for me this weekend. Cowboys lost which puts them out of the playoffs. Weirdly as this sounds, I think I may switch it from ESPN to watch the crazed Desperate Housewives tonight. Not sure how proud I am to say that in a public forum. The mom’s weren’t like that in my neighborhood.

Three of my bud’s from high school had kids in the last week or so. For some reason when it’s a guy friend, it hits home more for me than the girls. I am not sure why. I feel older when it’s a guy. So Mark O, Steve and Giovanni are new dads. That’s awesome and it will be fun to see the new additions.

My invincibility feeling also took another hit this week when I realized the jeans that I’ve been wearing for a long time don’t fit. Mister flat belly that I’ve always been has been to the Y a few times to get that button to close without sucking in. They always would tell me I’d lose my metabolism. I eat like a pig. I’d always say no way. Maybe it’s slowing down. Or maybe I need to be more active. I’ll fight it. Now is not the time for a new wardrobe.

That’s about it. The routine of ice cream and pretzels will probably win out tonight. My self control is weak for food. I may go get some now…