Washington, DC

Today we celebrate the life of Martin Luther King Jr. He is a man I was taught about for a few classes while growing up. It is hard for me to comprehend the things MLK battled during his life. It is hard for me to comprehend not being able to sit where you wanted to, drink from the water fountain you wanted to, sleep in the hotel you wanted to, be served at the diner you wanted to. It is hard to comprehend. And it is amazing to me that it was all happening only 45 years ago. But it has happened and there was a man who spearheaded the passion to make a change, to try and correct what was so wrong. Wasn’t it so obviously wrong? I don’t know because I was not there, but how could those things be allowed to happen? They did and a voice rose up more than the others, for there were many fighting as Dr. King did, but none had his presence and the media like he did. His dream came to a head in March of 1963 on the same steps I stood at in front of the Lincoln Memorial. He gave his eloquent “I have a dream” speech there to a crowd of thousands passionate about their cause. He gave his speech knowing that there were many who wanted to do to him what eventually someone did, kill him. But that did not deter him. It could not deter him, because his passion for his cause pulsated throughout him. His dream caused a change in our country. It caused a change in our way of living and thinking. His dream has not been fully realized, yet. There is still racism and discrimination amongst people of all races, sexes and religions. But life is better off because of MLK’s life.

It is up to each individual to think about MLK’s dream. He said his dream is for people to be judged by the content of their character. Do we do that? I don’t. We look at cars, we look at clothes, at appearance, at neighborhoods, at many things and make assumptions about people. I don’t have to like every person I meet, but I should try to know each person I meet before I decide. That’s not an easy thing to do.

MLK’s dream has spurred on new dreams from new people. His life made an impact. He caused a change. We all don’t have to start a movement and talk to millions of people, but we all have an ability to make a positive impact on at least one person’s life.

A link to MLK’s I have a Dream speech:
