1:52 PM

First off, I say Merry Christmas. I hope you enjoyed the holiday. A weekend of festivities has come and gone, leaving my brain fried and body worn out.

My sister and brother in law stayed in Rochester this year. It was his first away from home, but I think we made him feel welcome. Our traditions continued with Christmas Eve beef stew, church, and gift exchange with one of my mom’s best friends. From there we stayed up way too late, but still got up for presents in the AM.

It is always fun to see the looks on people’s faces when they open something you’ve gotten them. In our family, we are not huge gift givers, so this is our chance to splurge a bit on each other.

After my traditional Christmas post-present and breakfast nap, I made my family staple, green bean casserole. My aunt, uncle, and 2 cousins came over for way too many appetizers and a ham dinner. My Cowboys were on the TV and displayed no will to win, but because I was in the spirit, I didn’t get too mad. It kind of stunk that football was on yesterday. I love the NFL, but it is rare we get the family together for an extended period. Rather than socializing or playing games after dinner, the guys watched football and the ladies went next door to watch my sister’s wedding DVD. We still managed to find time for presents and unneeded desert.

I had some friends in from out of town who had talked about meeting out for a Christmas drink, but there was no way I was going anywhere. All of the food, captain’s, and pilsners kept me cemented to the chair. I think a lot of us felt the lead in our shoes.

So now I think I’ll attempt to go to the gym and sweat out all of the calories, carbs, cholesterol, fat, and sodium from the previous few days. The Christmas holiday has come and gone in a whirlwind. There is nothing better than the holidays, but they leave you mentally hungover. A little sweat will help clear the head.