Rochester, NY

I’ve been back at the book full force since Cleveland. Being there showed me how much can happen once the book is out there. The book is written, all I need is a publisher. I’ve met with two published authors in Rochester yesterday and today. They’ve helped me tweak my proposal and way of thinking. As I normally do, I was shooting for the moon. I had my work in front of some big time literary agencies. But, they are used to working with celebrities. And as they said, I’m not a celebrity. My name recognition will not sell books.

So, I’ve been tweaking and tinkering. Just like the journey, this is not an overnight process. Cut this out. Add this. Highlight this experience more. Take yourself out here. Lots of editing.

But after being in Cleveland, I see what is going to happen. People have to hear the stories of those I interviewed. I know what it’s done for me. I know that it will help others. And I continue…