Before Sunset
Paris 1:24 AM I just finished watching Before Sunset, the sequel to Before Sunrise. The first movie is about two strangers who meet on a train in Europe and the hours they spend together before a plane takes one of them away. Movie two takes place after they meet 9 years later, and one of the two has written a best selling book about their night together. There is some deep dialogue in both and the scenery is excellent, not that I’ve been to Paris. I am not sure of the true points of the movie, but to me it is all about chance and the things that may or may not play out because of that...
Read MoreEverywhere 12:50 AM I hit Send/Receive on my Outlook and goodie, 1 out of 6, then 2, then all 6 are in. What luck! I have a bevvie of new opportunities. Oh my gosh, the SuperFormula Power Pack is available! I have been waiting on that email for months. Sweet, Hsiu just sent me the critical link to the website that has Logo, stationer (not stationery), website design and so much more! G. Santiago sent me that stock tip I’ve been waiting all week on. Time to catch the wave that millions are riding. Buy buy buy. Gunnhild H. responded to that email I don’t remember sending. What was...
Read MoreSalt
Rochester, NY 11:10 AM If you’re not from the Northeast, here is a weird happening. The weather has been grey and windy for quite a few days. The temps ranging from the 20′s up to the 50′s. With the low temps and snow come salt trucks. I still marvel at how well they keep the roads clean for snow. Mammoth trucks that double as plow and salt trucks quadron off and blanket the streets with salt. The snow comes and the salt melts it. I’m not sure what the salt does but it makes the roads drivable. When I lived in Charlotte the city would shut down at the threat of snow....
Read More20 years
Rochester, NY Today is the 20th anniversary of my Grandma passing. I was 10 and I remember some of her. I remember losing my tooth at her house, watching TV with my sister, eating pretzels. Caytie and I sat in the living room and Grandma and Grandpa were playing cards on the porch with 2 of their friends. I don’t know where my parents were. G&G taught me how to play euchre when I was 6. We played poker and a game I can’t recall the name of right now where you had green board and had to get full houses, 4 of a kind, etc… I remember her trying to write with her left hand...
Read MoreHis Dream
Washington, DC Today we celebrate the life of Martin Luther King Jr. He is a man I was taught about for a few classes while growing up. It is hard for me to comprehend the things MLK battled during his life. It is hard for me to comprehend not being able to sit where you wanted to, drink from the water fountain you wanted to, sleep in the hotel you wanted to, be served at the diner you wanted to. It is hard to comprehend. And it is amazing to me that it was all happening only 45 years ago. But it has happened and there was a man who spearheaded the passion to make a change, to try and correct...
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