The Vineyard – Saturday
Martha’s Vineyard I woke up to Stella on my head. “Chirp, Chirp,” she said to me. I was out of it. I let her sit there. I was under the sheet, but could feel her claws on me. It wasn’t painful, but a bit weird. I get freaked out when a bird flies at me, but this did not because I did not see it. She sat there and I tried to go back to sleep. It didn’t work so I had to brush her off gently. She flew back up and chirped. Pete and I got up a little bit later. We went up to the house where my programmed self had to wash my face, put in my contacts, make a deposit, and brush my...
Read MoreThe Vineyard
Rochester, NY 4:07 PM I’m back to normalcy. Or I’m back to as close to normalcy as I’m going to get while on this trip. I’m back in Rochester and type from the kitchen table of my parents which for ease of typing I am going to call home. This is as close to home as I have right now. James Taylor plays on the CD player. The sliding doors to the deck are open and a slight breeze enters from Lake Ontario. The beach shines form the sun. My aunt and a friend are sitting in the sun, to my left. A lawn mower shouts out from somewhere. I just came in from planting a few things for my mom. I...
Read MoreFenway and #2
Chelmsford, MA 1:55 PM Another beautiful day here in Massachusetts. I am getting ready to head out on 95 to the train station. I’ll take that in to Fenway Park where I hope to secure a ticket for tonight’s 7:00 baseball game against Detroit. I don’t have a ticket, but was told they open some sales up before the game starts. If that doesn’t work, I’ll have to beg. I’ll be back with the results… 12:02 AM I took the green line in from Riverside to Fenway. I ran a little later than I planned, but for once it was someone else’s fault. I had to purchase...
Read MoreTurkey
Boston/Chelmsford, MA 6:13 PM I was a tourist again today. My Uncle Bill has been a great tour guide, taking me to places, coming in at times, and sitting in the car with the paper at times. Today we hit Boston. Time is short, so I will recap where we went. We started with the JFK Library. Then we headed to the U.S. Constitution (Old Ironsides). This is a Navy ship from the 1800′s. From there we headed to the site of the Boston Massacre. He let me off because parking is ridiculous ($27). He drove around as I walked around. It was weird because I was in the middle of downtown Boston, but...
Read MoreIt all started here…
Lexington & Concord, MA 7:01 PM Another busy day in the life. It started off with waking up from a sound sleep in a bed. The clock in the room I was in was an hour slow. I didn’t realize it until this morning. I woke up at what is late for me, 8 AM. It turned out it was 9:15. It felt good to sleep and have no plan. I tied up a few loose ends by calling my car loan company, their address was wrong, how about that? And then Compaq wanted their faulty hard drive back. I explained, from my bed (as I made the car call from as well), that I had old info still on there and I wanted to keep it....
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