
Posted by on Dec 30, 2005 in Journal

Rochester, NY I just watched The Graduate for the first time. I see why it’s a classic. Great soundtrack and a story that people can relate too: worries about the future, fantasy made reality, and love. 1967 still fits today.

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Posted by on Dec 28, 2005 in Journal

WWW 12:41 AM There are wasted days and then there is an unexpected, annoying waste like today. When you turn on your computer and a balloon next to your clock pops up and says your computer has been infected with malware, you get nervous. All day I’ve been trying to get rid of this stupid spyware thing. I’ve run tons of scans and cleanings. But, now I am typing this which means I cleaned it up. With some assistance I went to Google, typed in the name of the virus and up came a guy who told me how to fix it. It took quite a few hours and installing new software, but I’m all...

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Posted by on Dec 26, 2005 in Journal

Rochester, NY Christmas has come and gone with much anticipation and fanfare. All of the shopping and planning has panned out to big smiles and hugs from those receiving your gifts. As much as Christmas is a marketers dream, they have still made it a lot of fun for me. It is a great feeling when you pick out the gift that you know the receiver will enjoy. We did the holiday up in its entirety yesterday. The 8:30 AM time was decided upon on Christmas Eve, after a church session filled with carols and singing. I’ve been a bit under the weather and you could’ve put me right up there...

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Posted by on Dec 22, 2005 in Journal

The feet are sore, the legs tight, the patience short, and the wallet lighter, but the Christmas shopping has ended. I once again made the hellacious quest to the mall to battle for a parking spot, battle the crowds, and deal with all of the choices one makes when picking out gifts for people. As much as I dislike the process, I seem to do pretty good with my choices. Now it’s on to the even worse part, the wrapping…

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A Celebration

Posted by on Dec 18, 2005 in Journal

Rochester, NY As the choir sang and Tony slammed the piano, I looked around at a church that hadn’t been that full in many years. Kleenexes dabbed the corners of eyes and took away sniffles. There were consoling rubbing of shoulders. The black shirts and dresses did not give off doom and gloom. There were tears, but there were also smiles. This was the way a funeral should be, a Celebration of Life and a Passing to Eternal Life. John Miller, a great man, my confirmation sponsor, and a man my father admired, died this week. He fought hard and long with heart failure. For years we would...

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