Boston/Chelmsford, MA
6:13 PM
I was a tourist again today. My Uncle Bill has been a great tour guide, taking me to places, coming in at times, and sitting in the car with the paper at times. Today we hit Boston. Time is short, so I will recap where we went.
We started with the JFK Library. Then we headed to the U.S. Constitution (Old Ironsides). This is a Navy ship from the 1800′s. From there we headed to the site of the Boston Massacre. He let me off because parking is ridiculous ($27). He drove around as I walked around. It was weird because I was in the middle of downtown Boston, but here was this place I learned about from the 1700′s when I was a kid. It wasn’t very well marked. From there he dropped me at Nathaniel Hall. This is an outdoor market with shops and restaurants. That does not do it justice. It is beautiful and there are tons of places to go. From there we went to the site of the Boston Tea Party. Bummer because it was closed for “unforeseen circumstances.” Whatever the heck that means. I’d be curious. Then it was off to Fenway Park. No game tonight, but I did get to see it. They are home tomorrow. Tix are sold out, but I may try and snag a ticket down there tomorrow. If I’m in/near Boston I have to go to Fenway. We ended the day by having a late lunch (3:30). We went a sandwich shop UB knew. Instead of sandwiches, we watched them carve meat off of a full turkey. Top it off with stuffing, mashed potatoes, gravy, and cranberry sauce. We had Thanksgiving in August. Even better we drove about a mile and sat at the park/green where the first shots of the War were fired. We sat on a park bench, in the shade, and ate way too much. As is customary with Turkey Day, I napped from 5 – 5:15.
Now I’m back at their place. Time to run as I need to head to my cousin Kelle’s place. She is working, but I’m going to watch the Sox game, the Olympics, and whatever else with her husband Tod and the kids. Late as usual, gots to go…