Rochester, NY

11:55 PM

It’s the night before my 31st birthday. I think this is the first time in many years I’ve been with my family on my day. For many in a row I was in Charlotte. Then I was on the road for 29 and 30. I’ve never been so in the moment as I was on #29, just going where the gas pedal took me. That was my plan for 31, to be on the road somewhere. I am missing another friends wedding, this one in Arkansas. I should be somewhere down south right now. I expected to be more bummed about being here, but I am not. As an alternative I had talked with my friend Ted about coming to Philly for a few days. But things kept pointing me to stay, and I did. For as much as I want my book thing to go from neutral to drive and as much as I want to be out and about, I feel pretty good about things. Agents in NYC have requested my stuff. My consulting work is going to be renewed. My family is around me. My friendships from the past and my newly made ones keep getting stronger. So I guess I still feel like I am on the right path. It’s weird having my birthday when it is. New Year’s Eve we make our resolutions and try and stick with them. I haven’t met my last resolution of the year, but sometimes you have no control over that. Other resolutions I’ve followed up on, and some went to the curb. June is close to the middle of the year, and this is the time I do a self-assessment. I’m still looking forward, which is a good sign. Patience, persistence, and passion will pay off.

Tomorrow should be 80 and sunny. I’m golfing with the Bird man, DH, and another guy. Then home for a steak dinner with mom, dad, sis, BIL, aunt, uncle and cousin. Then maybe out for a drink and the Stanley Cup game. No complaints on a day like that. The six month eval says I’ll keep on keeping on…