Las Vegas, NV and Pittsburgh, PA

Here I am, sitting in the airport, its 6:15 AM. My flight leaves at 7:30. I got here a bit early for me, but all weekend you heard about Vegas and the long lines and two hours early. I have been away from the CPU, email, news and all of that. Vegas sucks you in. I reached my Vegas capacity yesterday. I originally tried to get my ticket for departure on Sunday but they were all sold out. I tried to switch yesterday morning, but still the same deal.

I type with a brain as fuzzy as I’ve had in a while. My eyes are red as the Northwest sign and dry as the air outside. Sleep in Vegas is short and not as rejuvenating as normal. Maybe it’s the air or the buffets or the booze that is fed to you. Maybe it’s the gambling. You’re just wired here. I came from the east coast. I will use east coast times: In bed at 8:30 AM, 7:45 AM, and 5 AM. Then last night was one of those rare nights were everything in the world pops into your head. I tossed and turned all night. I was paranoid about missing my 5 AM alarm. I was paranoid even though I had a wake up call, the clock alarm, and my cell phone alarm. Because I was paranoid about the alarm, I seemed to be paranoid about everything else. It’s funny the things you think about when you can’t sleep. I went to bed at 11:45 PM. I stayed at Tom’s place at Stratosphere since my room left out last night. It was my first time there and I didn’t see much of it because we headed straight to the room after Mike and Krista’s.

So I’m in bed at 11:45. “OK, 5 hours of sleep. Not bad.” 11:46 “My alarms will not work.” And then my mind went crazy. “I should have bet more on that hand. I shouldn’t have played at that table with those people who didn’t know how to play. I should have got up. Is the hotel on fire? Is Yitsi mad at me because I am constantly rolling (different beds, same room)? Can he hear me? Is he asleep? What is their casino like? Did Mike and Krista have a good time? Is anyone made at me? Will there be a line at the airport? I need to hit the ATM before I go. I can’t pay for the cab unless I go to the ATM. I’ll have all my stuff, I better get up a little earlier. Should I shower in the morning? Make sure you remember tomorrow is Dad’s birthday. Call Jeff. Make your car payment. Where will I get breakfast? Could I have made that putt Mickleson missed? Am I having a heart attack? Do I have an abnormal heartbeat? Are Matt and Brandie on time? What about Courtney? I have a lot to do in Rochester. Did I set the alarm on my cell for AM? I wish I was asleep. This sucks. Relax. Breath.” Toss and turn. This went on and on.

I think I wrote a book or two last night. I know I had some novel ideas that I can no longer recall.

As for Vegas, I started off good gambling wise. The last two days were not as friendly. I leave Vegas a little poorer than I came. But, I was here for the wedding. I got to reconnect with some friends from high school, even from grade school. I got to see some of my people in Charlotte. I went to Rain. I ate pretty good. I played some cards.

All in all, this was a great trip. The wedding was beautiful and the reception was fun. I learned that clubs are not for me. I’m sure I’ll end up at one again along the way here.

I am whipped. I hope I can sleep on the plane. I have a lot of leg room again. I always try to get the emergency exit row window. I am not saying much.

I ended up not sleeping at all last night. I may have slept for a few minutes here and there, but that’s it. I saw 12:12, 1:54, 2:34, 4:10. It’s not fun your mind takes over on an overtired body. I just want to be home.

Happy Birthday Dad. And Happy Father’s Day too. I think he gets screwed because his day’s are always so close.

It will be nice to be home for a few weeks. I will be planning out the next phase of the trip. The northeast. My casino trips have not helped my cause, but they haven’t cancelled anything either. Just another day…

Now I’m in Pittsburgh. I can’t explain the feeling Vegas gives you. When you first get there you are on cloud nine. I was high on life to be there and see everyone. Last night and this morning I was ready to leave and never come back. That has worn off slightly, but I don’t have the personality or self control to live there.

I slept a little bit and feel OK, surprisingly. I don’t get to hole up in a room and relax. My old roommate from college, his wife, and their friend are picking me up from Buffalo. We head to Rochester after that for dinner with my parents for my Dad’s Bday. Hopefully the weather will be good and we can have a fire. I have to suck it up and be social.

I can’t wait to see my boy Anthony. He and I were roommates for most of college. His wife Donna is great. I was in their wedding a few months ago. It’s rare for them, especially him, to be in NY. Their friend Becky is cool, although I only met her at the wedding. My parents are excited to see them. I could tell my dad really wanted them to come. We were originally going to go the Anchor Bar in Buffalo, the originator of the Buffalo Wing and even closer to my heart, the founding place of Frank’s hot sauce. We moved that and may go tomorrow.