12:27 PM

I am in the public librbay on 79th. I’m in NYC. My time is short as they only allow 15 minute internet intervals.

My CPU is pretty much fixed. I was at Comp USA from 9:30 AM until 6:15 PM on Saturday. Doug and Steve took care of me. I satyed in the back and they helped me when they could. WE had to install a new hard drive. not something you ever want to do.

I got back, packed a bag and headed to the North Jersey shore with Ginny and Michael. Their entire family goes there pretty muvh every weekend. In a two bedroom house there were the 3 of us, Nana and Pop Pop, Walt, Sheree, Justin, Doug, Sue, Courtney, and Mary. In another house of similar size there was more. It was a great time. There was a clam festival going on a few blocks away and we headed to that. I almost one the 50/50. I missed it by one digit. I had a cheese steak, some clam chowder (the good kind, Manhattan), and a beer.

Time to run, someone is behind me and I’m off to the Yankees game…