7:42 PM

It’s been a while since I’ve typed in here. Part of it stems from the Sideways Syndrome. Wherever I go I am asked, “When is your book going to be ready?” The Today Show asked me the same question months ago. The people from high school who I saw at a wedding last night asked too. And it’s great, the interest is awesome. But it gets harder and harder to not have the answer I want. I’m trying to remain as patient as I can with the publishing industry, but when they tell me my book won’t stand out, that I need interviews with celebrities and entertainers and that I’m not an expert in a given field, it gets frustrating. Because that is exactly what my book is not. It’s not about a doctor dispensing advice to people. It’s about an everday Joe who had it pretty darn good and gave it all up to find meaning. It’s not about the words of Brad Pitt on how to live an inspired life. I’m sure Brangelina could offer us excellent advice on what we should do with ourselves, but it’s about the everyday Joe who has found peace and happiness at work and at home, that is the advice that I have to share.

So I press on, embarrassed by the slowness of it. I can’t really start I am On the Road – Part Two until Part One is completed. Self publishing doesn’t bring the same credibility as the NYC route, but it’s entering my mind more and more. We’ll see what happens. Bear with me and the process…