Rochester, NY

12:03 PM

Reality hit me in the face a few minutes ago. As I sat outside pumping gas into my car, it hit me I was in NY for some winter. A few snow flakes danced around and my breath was evident. I knew I was home because the gas was $2.09. I even saw $2.19 while driving today. My bones were chilled by the wind. I was born and raised in Rochester, but I guess my body is now Southern. I am a wuss. I feel like Randy from A Christmas Story (The main character’s little brother) anytime I go out. I layer up and stumble around. It still doesn’t protect me. I really knew I was a southern wuss when I drove past a guy headed to his mailbox with no jacket on and thought how cold he must be. When I came home and parked my car, I saw a guy from down the street taking a bag of garbage to his receptacle out on the curb. He was in sandals and no socks! What a beast. So I am cold and I am in the north for some winter. I have not been here for extended time since college. I’ve come for holidays, but never to live in it. I better suck it up and thicken my blood. Wuss.