Univ. of Rochester

5:22 PM

I just got back from a Symposium at the University of Rochester titled, “The Future of the Book.” Fitting for where I currently am in the process. It was great to be a part of the creative energy campuses seems to emanate. I also managed to come away without a parking ticket, which is always a bonus.

There were 4 lecturers from various capacities within academia and the publishing world. The audience was more adult than student. My guess is some professors were there to learn about their future. In the university setting, it is publish or perish.

Pretty interesting stuff. Some argued the book was going to go away, to go digital. Others said it is here to stay and that technology needs be implemented with it. I was surprised to hear that the last Harry Potter book lost money. How is the possible with 7 million copies sold? Something is wrong with the business model if that is the case.

Also just filled up my gas tank. I didn’t go to this one, but I saw a gas station charging $2.95/gallon. Up, up, and away…

Time for the weekend.