It’s a sad day when you lose a member of the family. Lucky for us, no one close to us has passed, but one that has been with us for over ten years has moved on. I remember getting her with my brother in Arkansas, she was so dark and comfortable. We had to haggle with guy for a few days, but we got her. She joined the family in 1994. She made the move up north in 1996, and partnered with my sister. They made a great team up until 2001, where Caytie passed her on to Bryan, her now fiancée. And now, on this day, Black Beauty has moved on to a mechanic who hopes to fix her up. She’s been a warrior for us. The 1991 Sentra with 134,000 miles has seen a lot of the country. She got me back and froth from Arkansas and Rochester. Those were always fun drives, the starting of new paragraphs of life, either home for the summer or down for a new semester. I enjoyed revisiting with her on occasion, driving her around town when I was home and ownership had been passed.

But, we must let her go. A Maxima has replaced her, I hate to say. My Santa Fe fits the bill for the travel mode I am in. Wherever you end up Black Beauty, we’ll be glad we had you.