Rochester, NY

7:19 PM

A slight hint of gasoline is still in the air as I type this. After apartment living and the road, I had forgotten what it was like to mow the grass. It had always been a thing my dad had to get on me when I was growing up, but as I’ve gotten older, the walk up and down the rows really calms me. The smell of the fresh cut grass takes me either to my youth baseball or soccer. I am guessing soccer because I played that much more and for longer.

I guess my body is feeling the 29 years, as my back is tighter. My hands still feel the rattle of the mower. The lot is not as smooth as the yard at the house I grew up in. My body may be sore because I went to the gym earlier today. It had been almost a week since that.

I finished another interview today. The longest one of the tapes is the one that the family members of the interview subject have asked me about. I have been telling them I’d get on it for months. I’ll do it and be glad when I can email it to them.

Time for a shower, some dinner (chicken on the grill, salad, sweet potatoes), and then 24.