Webster, NY

I went to Webster High School last night to give a talk at their college information night. My nerves were with me as I stood in front of a standing room only room filled with parents and a few students. The reaction of parents being told how to help their kids was unclear to me and I wasn’t sure if they were going to get up and walk out as I told them about my story and my interview subjects and the need for passion and motivation in life. My nerves were wasted as they listened, asked some questions, and told me it was good for them to hear. One guy even brought his daughter back for session #2. I think my talk was different than they expected. A lot of the speakers were there to help with SAT’s, applications, resumes. My talk dealt with trying to have parents allow their children to explore what motivates them and what doesn’t while in college.

I enjoyed the rush of a new audience and seemingly connecting with them. Life will be a lot easier if you figure out what you enjoy and what you don’t at age 18 or age 20, not like me at age 28.