Rochester, NY

12:45 PM

Days at home are supposed to be relaxing. Today I’ve been working on renewing my health insurance. My hard drive is crashing so I’ve been on the phone with CompUSA and Compaq dealing with that. A new one should be arriving tomorrow and then I have to have the files transferred. It would be bad if my drive crashes. Then, I’ve been setting up my itinerary for Thursday and beyond. I’ll be in central New Jersey, Atlantic City, NYC, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Martha’s Vineyard, Boston, and Acadia National Park in Maine. A travel agents job is not easy. Setting up people to interview, places to stay, things to do, and all that comes with it is taxing. Sometimes you just go with the flow.

I was planning on being here and writing chapters and transcribing interviews. Not happening. I’ve been working on my contract writing as well. That is coming down to deadline. I’ve been working on my rebuttal for the ticket I got in Tampa as well. I need to find a notary. “I’m INNOCENT!”

I’m about to go pick up a magnet/bumper sticker. All those truckers can check it out. I’ve been paying the bills as well. If you can believe this, liabilities are outweighing assets. That’s part of the deal as well.

It’s a lot of stuff. It’s a lot of fun, but I seem to have more fun once I am out on the road not worrying so much. But, it’s always good to be here and see family and friends. I get that out there, but it’s totally different here. Back to it…