Strongsville, OH
9:15 AM
It’s great to be back at Angel House. This place totally relaxes me and gets my creative juices flowing. Carol, the owner of Angle House, and Larry and Amy, two local real estate moguls who have an office on site, are big into the Rotary here and I just got back from a meeting. I am normally not too big on 7 AM meetings, but I gave a brief talk to the group last September and wanted to make a return visit.
I am as far from a morning person as you can get, but I remembered the laughter and positive energy from my talk and wanted to experience it again. They didn’t disappoint. Today was the current president’s last meeting so there was a lot of needling going on. I don’t know much about Rotary, but my guess is this is a larger than normal group. They inducted four new members today bringing their total number to 161. Breakfast was good and since I returned to Angel House I’ve been going over my power point for the retreat tomorrow. Even though I am yawning, I’m very excited to share some of the spiritual inspiration from the people I met on my journey.
For now, I think I’ll go for a walk outside and then come back for a little snooze before the festivities kick into full gear. Enjoy the weekend.