
12:19 AM

The usual rigamarole of me and packing was back at it tonight. I’m out of town for 10 days. Heading down south to thaw out. I’m also going back to my alma mater for a talk. My guess is it will be strange going to my campus, parking at my fraternity house, and walking to the student center for the presentation. I can’t wait.

It looks like I’ll be connecting with a former professor who taught me how to write. And I’ll be seeing a bunch of friends. Tomorrow are flights and it sounds like some cards in Little Rock. Then I drive 3 hours to Fayetteville where I meet my old roommate’s daughter for the first time. That’ll be sweet. His wife was a huge help in the editing of my project. I haven’t seen them since we fished the river in Mountain View back in the summer of ’04, the height of I am On the Road.

Then it’s back to LR for Monday – Wednesday. The talk is Tuesday. From there, I head east to see my brother, sister in law, and my two nieces. They are growing up too fast and a few days a year is never enough.

I have a lot to pack in. Just like I did in my bags tonight. I had some help in paring things down, so I’m not as stacked as usual, but I’m still stacked.

Past bed time. Early wake up call. Peace.