Rochester, NY

12:58 PM

Two years is a long time. In a relationship, two years might be the timeframe where you have to start thinking about the question. In work, two years might mean a nice raise or promotion. In my case, I’ve been on the road for two years today. It’s my anniversary. It’s been a good day so far. I received some feedback from someone who wants my book proposal!

I’ve been very focused on my writing and on what is next for me over the previous months. Today has caused me to slow down and retrack some of my steps. I smile as I think about all of the people I’ve met on my journey. Two years ago yesterday, I was interviewing Fred Story. He told me about his passion for music and how a life and death experience reaffirmed he was doing what he wanted. His words drove me to leave Charlotte the next day. I left, with tears in my eyes at the friends and family and life I was leaving behind. But when I drove to Greensboro and beyond two years ago today, my anticipation for the unknown had never been higher. As I’ve sat in this room day after day typing and trying to formulate interesting ways to share what I’ve experienced, the unknown has gradually frightened me and overtook that incredible powerful feeling I had two years ago. That feeling I had day after day on the road.

On my two year anniversary, I still long for the road and for the stories that have changed who I am, but I know that my time will come. I am on a different journey now, one that incorporates the previous one, but one that will shape other people’s journeys.

Things have progressed so far beyond my imagination and when I start to question, when I ask, “What are you doing?” the anticipation, not the fear, of the unknown will drive me.

Happy Anniversary. And thanks for keeping up with me. I realize my stories of travel and meetings have changed. The story of a guy writing a book is not near as exciting, but I can say it is much harder. The fun stuff will come.