Rochester, NY

10:22 AM

Less than a week to go until the wedding (not mine, my sisters). I still can’t believe little Caytie will be in her white dress walking down the aisle. Obviously, there’s been a lot of planning, but they seem to have a pretty good handle on things. As the brother, I’ve done a good job of staying out of the way and avoiding arguments. I do what I am asked to do and offer an opinion here and there, but I pretty much try to blend in.

Families on both sides will be pouring into Rochester starting on Thursday. I am the social director for Thursday and built a good sized bonfire for the night. The weather is looking good.

What’s nice about this wedding is that both families like each other and like the people that are getting married. I can’t wait to have a new brother. I don’t foresee any inter-family arguments, just parties and hugs and tears. I’ll have my kleenex with me as I stand up there.

Back to work.