Journey Home
Rochester, NY 7:31 PM I just got back from visiting Journey Home, which is a hospice house located in Rochester, NY. I must be inspired to share because the Sabres are on. I am in my office with a radio playing the audio of the game. A hospice is what says is a health-care facility for the terminally ill that emphasizes pain control and emotional support for the patient and family, typically refraining from taking extraordinary measures to prolong life. My dad is on the Journey Home board and I volunteered to create a power point presentation that they can use in their...
Read MorePlaces You’ll Go
3:01 PM The mother of my godson sent me an email today. Normally if someone said they thought about you as they read a Dr. Seuss book to their son, it might not sound that great. But she said, “…it made me think of you. How you are in the waiting place…. But soon you will find the place where Boom Bands are playing!” I have never read “Oh, the Places You’ll Go!” by Dr. Seuss before, but I just Googled it and found what I’m guessing is a copyright infringement cut and paste online. I may be breaking the copyright law as well, but my guess is a lot of...
Read MorePoem
5:55 PM I just got back from the gym and am in the midst of getting ready for the weekend. As I prepare to shut down the office, I’m looking at a poem I was given this week. It’s a good one that fits many facets of life. Take the easier, no that’s not right, less resistant makes more sense, path that most people take or a more difficult road where you are more on your own? I have this poem partially quoted on my book website. Yes, I have a website for my book. It is not live just yet. It will go out to everyone once things move forward and a definitive final product is in place. I think...
Read MoreUK
Rochester, NY 9:55 AM Yesterday was a busy one. I am currently hosting Charles, in the U.S. via just south of London, England, I believe Surrey. I met his Buffalo host on Tuesday in Batavia, NY for dinner and drop off. I had two meetings yesterday so he chose to be dropped off at the mall. My first meeting was with someone very special to me, my coach from a while back. I still consider her my coach because I continue to apply a lot of what she taught me. It had been at least 18 months since we had sat down together one on one. This was informal, on the patio of an Atlanta Bread Company. It...
Read MoreLilac
Rochester, NY —Read UK before this one— 11:46 PM Why is that when you host people from out of town, you tend to do things you normally wouldn’t? On a Thursday, there is no way I would’ve done all that we did. I went for the first time to the Greece, NY History Museum. The guide gave Charles and I our own tour. He was most intrigued by the old 8 mile trolley. I was most intrigued by the old maps that showed where my ancestors used to own huge amounts of land. After that I drove into the heart of downtown Rochester and played tour guide while Charles videotaped. He...
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